Embrace Dialogue (“Rodeemos el Diálogo” in Colombia) is a transnational network of Colombians and friends of Colombia working to build an inclusive and comprehensive peace through the promotion of a culture of dialogue.

Embrace Dialogue (“Rodeemos el Diálogo” in Colombia) is a transnational network of Colombians and friends of Colombia working to build an inclusive and comprehensive peace through the promotion of a culture of dialogue.
We follow six core principles, to set an example for a more empathetic and responsible society, both with other human beings and with nature:
to share what we think without being afraid that others will take advantage, for it is only with the truth that we can rebuild trust and overcome divisions.
to offer the best of ourselves, our time and understanding, knowing that the path to peace is neither easy nor straightforward.
being humble, knowing that mistakes are not only made by others and that we never stop growing.
for others whether or not we share the same opinions and values, trying to understand without judgment why they feel and think the way they do.
with all those fighting to end violence, putting ourselves in the shoes of others and helping as they need.
knowing that to build peace we must come together with others.