ReD events

Critical Dialogues on Reconciliation: Refugees, Social Cohesion and Reconciliation

We invite you to the seventh Critical Dialogue on Reconciliation. We will talk about Refugees, Social Cohesion and Reconciliation in Lebanon and Kenya .

This event is part of a series of dialogues organised by the Winchester Centre of Religion, Reconciliation and Peace and Embrace Dialogue, which seek to prompt a multicultural, interdisciplinary, global dialogue about reconciliation.

We will continue inviting practitioners, academics and decision-makers to share their research, policies and activities around reconciliation processes. This is a critical issue today, and a critical approach is needed to address the legacies of long-lasting divisions within and between societies around the world.

Speaker: Cory Rodgers, Senior Research Fellow, Refugee Study Centre, University of Oxford

Chair: Andrei Gomez-Suarez, Senior Research Fellow Winchester Centre of Religion, Reconciliation and Peace & Cofounder of Embrace Dialogue

Date And Time

Thu, 10 February 2022
16:00 – 18:00 GMT