Entries by Embrace Dialogue


Four Proposals for Embracing the Colombian Pacific

Marc 16th / 2021 Over the first two months of 2021, security conditions and the enjoyment of human rights in the Pacific region of Colombia have deteriorated, as a number of organisations and communities have made clear. Our concern is shared by different processes, organisations and communities in the west of the country. The armed […]

Auto 019: The JEP Attributes Responsibility for the First Time

On 26 January 2021, the Chamber for the Recognition of Truth, Responsibility and Determination of Conduct (SRVR) of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) issued its first ruling: Auto 019 of 2021. This sets out the crimes and practices committed by former members of the FARC-EP Secretariat, and explicitly makes them accountable for the crimes investigated in Case 001. This order (Auto) represents the JEP’s first formal ruling that attributes responsibility. It highlights the participation of victims, and how information has been collected and verified in order to establish the truth about the former FARC-EP’s methods and practices in Case 001.

This snapshot analyses some of the key points within Auto 019 that are essential for the peace process to progress, for comprehensive reparation to be made to victims, and for Colombian society to be reconciled.