Critical Dialogue on Reconciliation: “To-Be-History” Youth Lessons for Reconciliation

In this event we will discuss the impact of the national strike and other developments in transitional justice in Colombia.

Recent Developments in Transitional Justice in Colombia

In this event we will discuss the impact of the national strike and other developments in transitional justice in Colombia.

Embrace Dialogue Academia Seminar Series

The Embrace Dialogue Academia Seminars (EDAS), held monthly via zoom over three terms in 2020-21, was a series of eight seminars with academics working on different aspects of peace and conflict in Colombia, from different disciplines, countries and career levels, and sought to build bridges between academic research and policy.

Urban Youth and School Life

In this seminar Diego Nieto presents his PhD thesis on the disjuncture between young people’s experiences of war and their school curricula

Critical Dialogues on Reconciliation: Perpetual Peacebuilding for Reconciliation

We will discuss Thania Paffenholz’s idea of perpetual peace building as a way to face the challenges of reconciliation.

Mujeres inspiradoras ante el exilio – Panel

Embrace Dialogue Academia 7: A New Cycle of War in Colombia?

In this seminar Prof. Francisco Gutiérrez presents his latest book, “A New Cycle of War in Colombia?”, with comments from Prof. Jenny Pearce

Mujeres inspiradoras ante el exilio: Betty Puerto

Por razones de índole personal de nuestra invitada este evento a sido pospuesto. Informaremos nuevamente la hora y fecha al momento de reprogramar.

Critical Dialogues on Reconciliation: Transformative Encounters for Reconciliation

Join this dialogue to learn how Bertha Fries has created Transformative Encounters between victims and perpetrators.

Critical Dialogues on Reconciliation: Failed Reconciliation

This event is part of a new series of dialogues organised by the Winchester Centre of Religion, Reconciliation and Peace and Embrace Dialogue, which seek to prompt a multicultural, interdisciplinary, global dialogue about reconciliation.

After this first dialogue we will continue inviting practitioners, academics and decision-makers to share their research, policies and activities around reconciliation processes. This is a critical issue today, and a critical approach is needed to address the legacies of long-lasting divisions within and between societies around the world.