
Three Challenges to Paving Peace Negotiations with the ELN

On 25 th March, the Rodeemos el Diálogo (ReD) team working for a negotiation between the Colombian government and the National Liberation Army (ELN), together with the University of Winchester’s Centre of Religion, Reconciliation and Peace (CRRP), held a public dialogue

Four Proposals for Embracing the Colombian Pacific

Marc 16th / 2021 Over the first two months of 2021, security conditions and the enjoyment of human rights in the Pacific region of Colombia have deteriorated, as a number of organisations and communities have made clear. Our concern is shared by different processes, organisations and communities in the west of the country. The armed […]

The Conditions Exist for Negotiations with the ELN

On the 9th February, the Rodeemos el Diálogo team that is following an eventual negotiation between the Colombian government and the ELN held a public dialogue with Socorro Ramírez, emeritus professor in the Institute for International Relations and Political Studies at the National University of Colombia, and Luis Eduardo Celis, an analyst of the armed conflict, about the perspectives for peace with the National Liberation Army (ELN in Spanish). In view of this dialogue, and given that this year represents the 30th anniversary of the first attempt at negotiating with the ELN, that the critical humanitarian situation in the territories where the ELN is present, and that the pandemic aggravates this situation further still, we consider that a peace process is now more urgent than ever.