
The Truth Commission and the Colombian Armed Forces

One of the most commonly fraught relationships in a country’s political transition is the relationship between a Truth Commission and the Armed Forces. In Argentina, the Armed Forces denied the findings of the Never Again report and promoted their own independent version of what happened during the dictatorship. In Peru, the Army spoke out firmly against the Truth Commission’s final report, suggesting it was favouring the “terrorists” and in Guatemala, the Armed Forces consistently opposed the Truth Commission from the beginning of its mandate to the very end.

Case 006: Victimisation of members of Unión Patriótica political party by members of the State

The Unión Patriótica (UP) political party was born out of the ceasefire, peace, and truce agreements signed between the government and FARC-EP in 1984. The UP emerged as a political movement with legal guarantees for the insurgency to participate in political scenarios through elected offices. Support for the party grew, especially in remote regions of the country, leading to the election of 19 departmental deputies, 286 local council members, and several representatives in Congress. Following this success, paramilitary groups, state agents, and some political factions carried out an offensive against UP leaders and militants amounting to political genocide of the party. In 2014, the Office of the Prosecutor-General of Colombia declared some of the crimes against members of the UP as crimes against humanity. 

Case 004: The situation in the Urabá region

The Chamber for the Recognition of Truth of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) decided to open a case for the Urabá region, to investigate the crimes committed in the framework of the armed conflict between 1986 and 2016. The macro-case comprises 10 municipalities: 6 of them located in Antioquia (Turbo, Apartadó, Carepa, Chigorodó, Mutatá and Dabeiba) and 4 of them in Chocó (Carmen del Darién, Riosucio, Unguía and Acandí).

Extrajudicial executions presented as deaths in combat by State agents, or “false positives”

The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has an open preliminary examination against the Colombian State since 2004 for crimes against humanity.