
Recent Developments in Transitional Justice in Colombia

In this event we will discuss the impact of the national strike and other developments in transitional justice in Colombia.

Critical Dialogues on Reconciliation: Perpetual Peacebuilding for Reconciliation

We will discuss Thania Paffenholz’s idea of perpetual peace building as a way to face the challenges of reconciliation.

Embrace Dialogue Academia 7: A New Cycle of War in Colombia?

In this seminar Prof. Francisco Gutiérrez presents his latest book, “A New Cycle of War in Colombia?”, with comments from Prof. Jenny Pearce

Critical Dialogues on Reconciliation: Transformative Encounters for Reconciliation

Join this dialogue to learn how Bertha Fries has created Transformative Encounters between victims and perpetrators.

Second Public Dialogue about peace with the ELN: Conflict Dynamics and Challenges for Peace with the ELN in 2021

Embrace Dialogue and the Winchester Centre of Religion, Reconciliation and Peace invite you to “Conflict Dynamics and Challenges for Peace with the ELN”, a public dialogue with Elizabeth Dickinson (Senior Analyst Colombia, International Crisis Group) and Kyle Johnson (Cofounder, Conflict Responses).
Chair: Andrei Gómez-Suárez (Winchester Centre of Religion, Reconciliation and Peace & Embrace Dialogue).

Embrace Dialogue Academia Seminar 6: Violent Nonstate Group Interactions in Colombia’s Conflict

In this seminar, based on an article published in World Politics, ‘The Logic of Illicit Flows in Armed Conflict’ (2020), Dr Annette Idler analyses why there is variation in how violent nonstate groups interact in armed conflict.

Mujeres Inspiradoras Ante el Exilio – Una conversación con Aída Avella.

Evento organizado entre la Comisión de la Verdad, ReD y Lina Malagón (PhD), de la Universidad de Ulster. La conversación será moderada por Lina Malagón. Los temas que se tratarán serán la experiencia en el exilio, el proceso de adaptación, el contacto con Colombia y sus esperanzas sobre el país.

Let’s Shake Hands Once Again

In the early days of February, Colombia witnessed an exchange of letters that is no less than a cry to save the country’s peace. The unprecedented aspect of this correspondence is that it has been carried on by the two people responsible for opening the door to the negotiations, and following the path during the four years necessary to reach the signing of the Agreement: Rodrigo Londoño of the FARC – now the ‘Comunes’ party – and former-President Juan Manuel Santos.

Embrace Dialogue Academia Seminar 5: Football and Nation-building in the Colombian Peace Process

In this seminar, Pete Watson will present findings from his forthcoming book, “The Only Thing that Unites Us: Football and Nation-building During the Presidency of Juan Manuel Santos” (forthcoming book, Liverpool University Press).

Embrace Dialogue Academia Seminar 4. Book Launch: Cowards Don’t Make History

Embrace Dialogue Academia 4. Action Research and the Participatory Construction of Knowledge in 1970s Colombia: Lessons for Peacebuilding
Author: Prof. Joanne Rappaport, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Georgetown University