
Reparations Policy for Victims of the Armed Conflict in Colombia

With Law 1448 of 2011, known as the Victims and Land Restitution Law, and presidential decrees 4633, 4634, and 4635 that followed, the Colombian state created a system of reparations (The Victims Unit, Land Restitution Tribunals, administrative processes, etc.) for victims of the armed conflict in Colombia. This is considered to be the most ambitious reparations programme in the world, as it includes humanitarian assistance measures for victims, contemplates every form of reparation (restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction and guarantees of non-recurrence), while aiming to provide reparations for more than 8 million victims. 

Ethnic Populations in the Special Jurisdiction for Peace

The contributions of ethnic populations to peacebuilding and social and economic development in Colombia was acknowledged in point 6.2, known as the Ethnic Chapter of the 2016 Peace Agreement signed between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP. This acknowledgment signalled the historic conditions of exclusion, slavery, physical and cultural extermination, and land dispossession that ethic populations have suffered.