
Commitment of ex-combatants from the FARC-EP to the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) and the Truth Commission

This fourth Reincorporation Snapshot highlights the commitment of former members of the FARC-EP  to reconciliation, not only from the FARC political party, but also others within the reincorporation process who belong to other political groups. Implementing the Peace Agreement, through reincorporating these groups into civil society, represents a big challenge. The efforts being made by different sectors to overcome these difficulties are vital for ensuring that the reincorporation process continues.

Extrajudicial executions presented as deaths in combat by State agents, or “false positives”

The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has an open preliminary examination against the Colombian State since 2004 for crimes against humanity.

Progress in 2019 and challenges for 2020

This snapshot offer some timely reflections about the TC’s progress in 2019 and we highlight some of the key challenges that lie ahead in 2020.

Embracing Truth; Killings of Social Leaders

“How is it possible that 4,757 social leaders have been murdered in Colombia in the last 30 years?”, What does Colombia lose every time a social leader is killed?.