
Critical Dialogues on Reconciliation: Transformative Encounters for Reconciliation

Join this dialogue to learn how Bertha Fries has created Transformative Encounters between victims and perpetrators.

Critical Dialogues on Reconciliation: Failed Reconciliation

This event is part of a new series of dialogues organised by the Winchester Centre of Religion, Reconciliation and Peace and Embrace Dialogue, which seek to prompt a multicultural, interdisciplinary, global dialogue about reconciliation.

After this first dialogue we will continue inviting practitioners, academics and decision-makers to share their research, policies and activities around reconciliation processes. This is a critical issue today, and a critical approach is needed to address the legacies of long-lasting divisions within and between societies around the world.

The Truth Commission: 2 Years On

As 2020 draws to a close, so too does the Truth Commission’s second year in operation. This snapshot provides a brief overview of the commission’s work to date and points to some of the challenges that might arise in its upcoming final year of work. A more detailed look ahead to 2021 will be tackled in the next snapshot.

The fourth encuentro por la verdad

In this snapshot, we discuss the fourth Encuentro por la Verdad which focused on the experiences of rural farmers, in an effort to build bridges between rural and urban Colombia.

Progress in 2019 and challenges for 2020

This snapshot offer some timely reflections about the TC’s progress in 2019 and we highlight some of the key challenges that lie ahead in 2020.

The Colombian Truth Commission: Innovations and Challenges

Embrace Dialogue participated and organised a public dialogue at the University College London, to spread the word about the work of the CTC. Learn more about innovations and challenges.