Colombia’s Truth, Coexistence and Non-Recurrence Commission: Innovations, Challenges and Opportunities

This policy briefing compiles reflections from a series of talks organised by the research team of the “MEMPAZ: Bringing Memories from the Margins” project in autumn 20191. The University of Bristol hosted members of the Truth, Coexistence and Non-Recurrence Commission (TCNC) to participate in ‘Truth, Memory and Diaspora: The Seeds of Peace in Colombia,’ from 16-21 October, for a week of transnational dialogue and collaboration between British and Colombian state, academic and civil society institutions2. This week of events was an opportunity to understand the developments and challenges faced in implementing the truth-telling mechanism of the transitional justice system, at this pivotal time in Colombia’s history3.


  1. A research project between academics at the University of Bristol and the National University of Colombia, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), Newton Fund and the Colombian Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (Colciencias), which seeks to learn from grassroots organisations’ memory practices and show- case them on a national stage.
  2. International Speakers: Carlos Beri- stain, Commissioner of the TCNC; Ana Cristina Navarro, head of the Pedagogy team of the TCNC; Alejandra Coll, representative of the Gender Working Group of the TCNC; Fabio López de la Roche, Professor at the National University of Colombia; Gonzalo Sánchez, former director of the Colombian National Centre for Historical Memory and member of the Advisory Board of the TCNC. For more information see: (18 Feb 2020).
  3.  This week was possible thanks to the financial support of the AHRC Truth Com- mission network and the Benjamin Meaker Distinguished Visiting Professorship. Embrace Dialogue participated in the Bristol events and organised a public dialogue at University College London