Oct 1 / 2020

Rodeemos el Diálogo (Embrace Dialogue) celebrates the appointment of Leyner Palacios as the new commissioner for the Colombian Truth Commission (CEV). His reputation as a social leader and defender of the rights of victims from el Chocó makes him ideal for the role. His profile encompasses all of the requirements established by the Commission for the appointment of a new commissioner. For the Commission, it is fundamental to include an individual with experience in defending human rights, that has been in proximity to social processes as well as the communities of the Pacific, and that has an understanding of the dynamics of the violence present in Colombia. Leyner meets all of these requirements.

Leyner’s experience is marked by the pain of being a victim of the Bojayá massacre and for belonging to an area that has been abandoned by the State. His presence is a call to making cessation of the conflict and violence a priority for the State. The experiences of victimisation are not simply part of the past for Leyner, nor for those living in the pacific or other spaces within the national geography. We believe that his life, which has been full of challenges yet equally marked by his conviction to fight for peace and reconciliation, will be a great contribution to the work of the Truth Commission. 

Rodeemos el Diálogo also acknowledges the many other excellent candidates that were considered by the Commission, particularly the women that presented their candidacy to replace Angela Salazar and her knowledge and experience in working with the country’s victims. We believe that Leyner, as well as the rest of the commissioners, will continue working in such a way that their concerns will be sufficiently addressed.

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