Peace is Political

The forthcoming congressional and presidential elections in Colombia are fundamental for the reconciliation process, as the next phase of implementation of the peace agreement and the possibilities of building a stable and lasting peace depend on the political will and electoral mandate of the government.

Peace is political. We understand politics as the way in which people coexist and organize ourselves through words and actions. This is a process in which confrontation between different groups and differing opinions is inevitable. We understand peace as a political process in which conflicts are resolved in a non-violent manner.

Peace is political; it requires the commitment of diverse and multiple sectors that make up society to come together with a common aim, and the political will of a government with a mandate to manage resources and coordinate efforts to transform social conflict.

Peace is political; this requires an understanding that our individual actions, whether in the private or public domain, need to connect with our political actions in electoral processes. It is not enough to be ethical and respectful of difference as individuals; is it vital to participate in political decision-making to resolve the structural problems which affect us all and which afflict our communities.

Peace is political; even if you are not interested in electoral politics, you cannot ignore it completely. On the contrary, the election of legislators and governors is essential, as is the political education of citizens. The next elections, in which Colombia will elect a new Congress and President, are essential for the reconciliation process because the next phase of implementation of the peace agreement and the possibilities for building a stable and lasting peace depend on the political will and electoral mandate of the government.

The current social, economic and political circumstances of Colombia and the common challenges that we face need citizens to support a political project that resonates with the aspiration of several generations of Colombians to grow and live in peace. We know that this process is not and will not be easy, because it involves sitting down to negotiate with those who think differently to us. It requires building alliances, consensus and principles that lead to peaceful coexistence. Only in this way will we be able to build a common social project.

Rodeemos el Diálogo / Embrace Dialogue is a transnational non-partisan network – it does not receive any financial support from political parties, it does not participate in electoral alliances, it does not support political campaigns, nor support any candidate or political party. It is committed to building peace through dialogue between diverse genders, professions, ages, ethnicities, nationalities, ideologies, and political and religious stances. Remaining loyal to our process and understanding that peace is political, in 2022 we ask people to be committed to an ethical process of electing political representatives committed to: 1) the implementation of the peace process signed with the FARC, 2) the defense of human life and the environment, 3) negotiation as a tool to put an end to political violence with all armed actors, 4) dialogue as a process to strengthen the social fabric of a multiethnic and multicultural country and 5) the need to rebalance social pressures and transform economic structures to build a more just society.