
Humanitarian Action by the Unit for the Search of Disappeared People (UBPD): The Case of Samaná

The “No” Won, Colombia Lost: Four Years Since the Signing of the Peace Agreement

Four years after the signing of that agreement, the Political Studies and International Relations Institute (IEPRI) of the National University of Colombia, and Rodeemos el Diálogo (ReD) invite you to this dialogue and book launch of ‘The “No” Won, Colombia Lost: Four Years Since the Signing of the Peace Agreement’.

Exhuming the Truth: Forensic Experts and Their Contribution in the JEP

We will address the scope, needs and challenges of the JEP’s Forensic Team as a central element of peacebuilding in Colombia.

Relatives of Missing Persons are the Key Actors for the Unit of the Search for the Disappeared

In Colombia, there is a long history of searching for the disappeared and records of forced disappearance date back to the 1950s. Several actors have focused on these searches. On the one hand, the Colombian state looks for those missing, through judicial institutions and the police. On the other hand, the families of disappeared persons, who suffer deeply from the absence of their loved ones and the injustice of it, lead their own initiatives for encountering them. In both cases, searches are founded on chasing down leads, and following clues and intuitions. For the state this means implementing a systematic search with logistical and technical support. In the case of relatives, searches are more erratic, marked by deep loneliness, uncertainty and risk, but families also have the ability to imagine new forms of encounters. This snapshot analyses the commitment of transitional institutions to putting family members at the centre of their work.

Embrace Dialogue Academia Seminar 2: Forensic Knowledge and Transitional Justice

Join us for the second session of the Embrace Dialogue Academia Seminar to discuss forensic knowledge and its relation with victims rights.

Los sabores: una puerta al recuerdo

Sabores, colores, texturas… Acompáñenos a explorar la comida como un elemento fundamental de la identidad colombiana.

Embrace Dialogue Academia Seminar 1: Peace and Rural Development in Colombia

In this new series of Embrace Dialogue Academia Seminars (EDAS), co-hosted by Embrace Dialogue and Merton College, University of Oxford, we bring together presentations of finished academic research with discussions to draw out the implications of this work for the current challenges of peacebuilding in Colombia.

Inaugural Seminar and Book Launch: ‘Peace and Rural Development in Colombia: The Window for Distributive Change in Negotiated Transitions’ (Routledge, 2020), by Andrés García Trujillo.

Identidad, Violencia y Fútbol: Aprendizajes para coexistencia en Colombia

El estadio de fútbol es un escenario importante para la producción de identidades en la sociedad colombiana y un lugar donde diferentes grupos se encuentran. La pasión colombiana por el fútbol, sin embargo, a veces lleva a violencia y comportamiento antisocial.