
Diez Años de Procesos de Paz en Colombia

In this policy brief Andrei Gomez-Suarez and Alejandro Posada Tellez summarise the main lessons of ten years of peace process in Colombia.

Ten Years of Peace Processes in Colombia

In this policy brief Andrei Gomez-Suarez and Alejandro Posada Tellez summarise the main lessons of ten years of peace process in Colombia.

On the verge of the start of the peace process between the FARC-EP dissidents and the Colombian government

The negotiated solution to the armed rebellion of the FARC-EP underwent at least three attempts and almost half a century of confrontations to achieve the Final Agreement to End the Armed Conflict and Build of a Stable and Lasting Peace in November 2016.

Mine Action and Reconciliation: Lessons from Colombia

We invite you to the ninth Critical Dialogue on Reconciliation. We will talk about the nexus between Mine Action and Reconciliation.

Petro: A Black Swan on the Road to Reconciliation in Colombia?

Can the triumph of the left in the presidential elections pave the way for reconciliation in Colombia? Andrei Gómez-Suárez analyses the results of the March congressional and primary elections and outlines the challenges for reconciliation in the case of a Petro presidency.

A Breakthrough for Reconciliation in Colombia?

Can Colombia leap forward toward reconciliation? Andrei Gómez-Suárez analyses the reconciliation encounter between Bertha Fries and Rodrigo Londoño and suggests that the political mobilisation of civil society is necessary for a breakthrough.

Colombia’s Peace at Risk

In January 2022, 13 massacres were carried out in Colombia, and 13 social leaders were assassinated by unknown armed groups, according to Colombian NGO Indepaz. This serious human rights crisis confirms the concerns of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

The JEP Advances in its Investigation of the Forced Recruitment of Minors

The SRVR published their internal prioritisation strategy with respect to the FARC-EP sub-case of Case 07 on the recruitment and use of children in the armed conflict.

Rodrigo Londoño and Salvatore Mancuso admit responsibility in front of the Truth Commission

The Truth Commission held a meeting for admitting of responsibility, in which the former AUC paramilitary leader Salvatore Mancuso and the former commander of the FARC-EP Rodrigo Londoño gave testimonies.

FARC Ex-Combatants and the Right to Non-violent Social Protest.

For FARC peace signatories, exercising the right to express disagreement and participating in non-violent, democratic protests are essential steps towards reincorporation into political life.