
Towards a Social Ecology of Reconciliation?

We invite you to the tenth Critical Dialogue on Reconciliation. We will think together about the levels, outcomes, drivers, and the scaffolding necessary for successful reconciliation.

Mine Action and Reconciliation: Lessons from Colombia

We invite you to the ninth Critical Dialogue on Reconciliation. We will talk about the nexus between Mine Action and Reconciliation.

Reconciliation is Possible

Reconciliation is Possible: A Dialogue between Bertha Fries (victim of FARC’s terrorist attack to El Nogal Social Club) and Rodrigo Londoño (last chief in command of the FARC)

The Colombian Truth Commission’s Final Report: Hopes and Challenges

Join us to learn how the Truth Commission is the working in more than 20 countries to document the voices of Colombians outside Colombia.

‘Who Builds Peace? The Relationships between International, National, Regional, and Local levels in Peacebuilding.

Join us to learn how the Truth Commission is the working in more than 20 countries to document the voices of Colombians outside Colombia.

Colombia’s Broken Peace Launch

Reflecting on Artist-Academic collaboration: Animation screening and artist Q&A.

Critical Dialogues on Reconciliation: Refugees, Social Cohesion and Reconciliation

What can we learn about social cohesion and reconciliation from refugees in Lebanon and Kenya?

Critical Dialogues on Reconciliation: Reconciliation in Peacebuilding Practice

We will talk about Reconciliation in Peacebuilding Practice reflecting about a recently published policy paper by Conciliation Resources.

Five Years of the Colombian Peace Agreement

In this webinar we will discuss the achievements and challenges of the 2016 Peace Agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP

Critical Dialogue on Reconciliation: “To-Be-History” Youth Lessons for Reconciliation

In this event we will discuss the impact of the national strike and other developments in transitional justice in Colombia.