Embrace Dialogue Academia brings together academics working on different aspects of the peace process in Colombia, via itinerant dialogues, to share knowledge and analysis, and work together to enable practical impact.

2nd Embrace Dialogue Academia Seminar

German, British, Swiss, Spanish and Colombian universities met in the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt, to discuss the peace process in Colombia. There, the second meeting of Embrace Dialogue Academia (EDA) was held, centred on the reincorporation of members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP).

1st Embrace Dialogue Academia Seminar

the first Embrace Dialogue Academia (EDA) session was held at the University College London, a community of British and Colombian academics doing research in the UK on different aspects of the Colombian peace process. EDA members seek to offer their combined expertise to make practical recommendations to the ongoing situation in Colombia.